Crawly Insect Invasion? Stop them Naturally
Have you seen bugs crawling into your living space? Are they damaging your garden? Want to manage or get rid of them? Don't reach for toxic bug sprays - there is a non-toxic better way! I am talking about: Cockroaches Earwigs Grasshoppers Ants Crickets Also Dust mites...
Joy: Easy and Simple
Joy: Easy and Simple Oracle, AZ Roommates Take nothing seriously Happy Birthday Sandya From Canada From Mexico Mom and daughter and baby-to-be Three Generations Miles of smiles California Dreamin' Apple expert Businessman Her true voice Heart and Om...
Female Hormone Update
Female Hormone Update according to the 2012 North American Menopause Society position paper. Which women benefit from estrogen hormone therapies? The bottom-line factors which are most important to weigh in the risk / benefit of estrogen therapy are Age: the earlier...
Lunar Eclipse & Taiko Drummers
Spring 2015 Lunar Eclipse This morning, April 4, I got up early and was treated to an unusual view of the moon. It hung dim in the western sky. Watching, watching, the light started to appear on the topmost portion of the moon. Quickly, the moon started to set over...
Homeopathy in the USA
Homeopathy in the USA Update: report from the hearing The National Center for Homeopathy reports: "The consistent message reinforced across these groups was that current FDA regulations of homeopathic remedies are sufficient and have served the public well for the...
PSA & the prostate
PSA and the prostate Prostate Second Opinions Dr. Phranq Tambouri, NMD of Prostate Second Opinions in Scottsdale, Phoenix and Seattle is an expert in the field of men's health and the prostate. I attended a presentation of what he does with...
Call for a New Medical System
Call for a New Medical System in Japan From a medical system that kills to one that cures “If the malignant 90% of the medical system disappeared from this planet there can be no doubt that people would become healthier.” - Dr. Robert Medelson (Confessions of a...
Drink Water
If you go without any water, you'll die in a few days. Clearly, water is something we need to function. You don't have to look far to see the (contradictory) advice of how much and what kind of water to drink. Let's unravel this to come to a personal guideline. What...
Before you drink Green Smoothies
Before you drink Green Smoothies If you have made a commitment to getting healthier this year, you may have considered, or already started drinking green smoothies. The idea behind green smoothies is that in order to eat large amounts of leafy green vegetables (which...
More than a buzzword: Structured Water
I remember strolling through convention halls were people were proclaiming the virtues of structured water. If you would only buy and drink a certain bottled water, you would feel marvelous. I never got it. It seemed contrived and expensive. But as a Naturopathic...