Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat Haunting Spirits of Halloween are in the air and Jack O' Lanterns are shining bright. Soon it will be time to go Trick or Treat! Is that Halloween candy really a treat or could it trick you into eating something you would otherwise avoid? Get savvy...
Ebola in the News
Ebola in the News It has come around again. Curiously, I wrote a paper on the Ebola Virus and researched Naturopathic treatment for it for a Microbiology class at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine early in 1996. The Hot Zone In 1994, Richard Preston wrote a...
2014 Naturopathic Medicine Week
Oct 6 - 12 is National Naturopathic Medicine Week The United States Senate, for the second year in a row, has unanimously passed a Resolution designating Oct. 6 - Oct. 12, 2014 Naturopathic Medicine Week. In addition, Governor Brewer signed a resolution for...
Experts Wrong?
6 Never-Fail Rules for Detecting When Experts are WRONG Does this title entice you, confuse you, or does it make your hair stand on end? It does all of that for me, especially after reading the book "Wrong Why Experts Keep Failing Us – And How to Know When Not to...
Watson Lake
Watson Lake [table id=2 /]
Verde River Recreation
Verde River Recreation This Labor Day weekend, I took a short kayak trip down the Verde River with my friend Ellen. We had kayaked before, but the stretch we did turned out to be full of surprises and treacherous. We had consulted paddle maps which are accessible on...
Ribbon Cutting 2014
Open House and Ribbon Cutting 2014 We're celebrating the opening of our new offices and thanking you for voting me Best Alternative Health in the Verde Valley for the third year running! The Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce provided...
Why Wallow When You Can Soar?
Why Wallow When You Can Soar? Are you suffering, stuck in a situation or contentious relationship? If it goes around and around in your head, playing out who is right, who is wrong, what they should have done, what you should have said - face it: you are wallowing....
Canyon de Chelley
Canyon de Chelley Full moon . . . sunset on August 9, 2014
La Posada
La Posada . . . the resting place