Honey, Mud & Maggots
Book Review: Honey, Mud, Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels: The Science Behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives’ Tales by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein I was able to find this interesting book at my neighborhood library. On the subjects they review, I find the...
Summer Solstice 2013
Summer Solstice 2013 Summer Solstice is the peak of the light cycle of the year as the sun reaches its farthest point north for the year. This is a potent time for ceremony and to set intention. I attend a ceremony lead by Sandra Cosentino just outside of Cottonwood...
Move it!
Move It! Is Exercise Enough? Studies have shown that exercise during space missions or bed rest was useful, but rarely was it more than 50% effective in keeping muscles and bones from wasting. NASA confirmed that the determining factor in the ability to withstand and...
Bowenwork Students Wish to Tell You
Bowenwork Students Wish to Tell You . . . Enjoyable. Interesting. Peaceful. - Michael L, Prescott, AZ It is amazing how much I learned in a 4 hour class. I myself feel improvement in my body just from the practice we students did on each other. I am looking forward...
How to Proceed in a Friendly Universe
How to Proceed in a Friendly Universe Albert Einstein thought that the supreme question is “Is the universe friendly?” Wow! the implications if it is friendly . . . Is everything working towards my greatest good? Will I be provided everything I need? Are there...
Sun, Skin & Vitamin D
Sun, Skin & Vitamin D The sun and skin cancer has been linked in our mind permanently. We are told to watch for signs of melanoma in the form of ABCD: Asymmetry, Borders irregular, Color varied within the mole, and Diameter larger than a pencil eraser. Less well...
Harness the Power of the Sun for Your Health
Harness the Power of the Sun for Your Health This month, as you may be escaping to shade and air-conditioned buildings for survival, people in other summertime areas are able to get out in the sun and enjoy it. But what about wrinkles and cancer? Dermatologists tell...

Water with a Difference!
Give it a go! I have written about Natural Action Structured Water before. And everyone is welcome to come to my office for a taste of RO water in comparison to RO water put through the Natural Action Water Structuring Unit. The short of it is this: Water in its...
Celebrating Feminine Energy
Celebrating Feminine Energy Mothers Day is a time to honor our mothers. It is a time to celebrate the women who gave birth to us, who nurtured us, and modeled for us what it is to be female. Here I am with my mother. It's a lot to reflect on. We can go way beyond...
Living Like an Adult Gorilla
How would you like to live like this? What Does a Gorilla Do All Day? Thanks to Animal Planet: A gorilla’s average day is what some people would call ideal. A gorilla has a morning meal, takes a nap, and travels in the afternoon. Most of a gorilla’s daylight hours are...