Aotearoa - The Land of the Long White Cloud The Maori word for New Zealand is Aotearoa. It means "the land of the long white cloud" and that is exactly what I experienced. Even on a sunny day on the beach, the clouds were ever-present. This is the famous Piha beach,...
Wildlife in New Zealand
Wildlife in New Zealand - Animals and Plants Birds! Penguins! We headed for the shore in the evening, when the penguins were coming out of the water to bed down for the night. Because they are adapted for cold weather, they...
New Zealand through Food
New Zealand as Experienced through Food This is a fertile land, and the animals often free-range, so create high quality food. I was blown away at the orange color of the egg yolks! By the time I thought to take a picture, I found these and they are not even as dark...

New Year near the International Date Line
I joined Ishayas from New Zealand, Australia, and Canada on a week-long retreat in New Zealand to ring in 2013. What an experience! We convened at a center in Castle Hill, which is about in the center of the South Island. Notice the rain in the background on the...

Holiday in Pictures
Cottonwood during the Holidays in Pictures There were very many festivities in Cottonwood, and I sampled a few. I really felt the holidays start with the first cold and snow on Mingus Mountain December 14th. The morning sun highlights the foothills in contrast to the...

Navigating the Holidays
Ahhh . . . it's the Holiday Season. It is easy to get caught up in the cultural norm: stress from doing too much, missed sleep, overeating, drinking too much, and strained relationships. There is no Peace on Earth if there is no peace in your life. Let's take a step...

Poopie - BM - Stool Well, technically what I would like to write about here is called a bowel movement, feces, or a stool, but I think you will appreciate a little levity with your education. You will see it get really descriptive later when it starts being called...

Wisdom from Uqualla
Simple wisdom like - every action you perform from getting up in the morning, showering, choosing your clothes for the day is a sacred moment - resonates to my core. I so much enjoy being in the presence of a person living this wisdom. On Sunday, November 25th, a...

Home Remedy – Warming Socks
First Line Treatment When you are starting to get sick, this home remedy is one of the first things to think of doing when you want to decrease congestion in the head, throat, ears, and lungs. By morning, there can be a significant reduction in sore throat ear...

Gluten-Free Holidays
The holiday season is around the corner! As Halloween decorations are put away, we ready ourselves for the last two months of the year which are traditionally full of celebrations with food. I encourage you not to be overwhelmed and go numb, but to continue to make...