Lammas: First Harvest

Lammas: First Harvest

The word “Lammas” translates as “loaf-mass.” Historically, on Lammas day, August second, a loaf of bread baked from the first grains harvested was brought for blessing. In August, the peak of summer has passed. The first light before dawn is getting later. I know this...

Pure Water vs Living Water

Pure Water vs Living Water

Joe went on dialysis at 26 years old. He eventually received a kidney transplant. The quality of the water he drank was key to maintaining good health. Now he is an ambassador for living water. In this 10-minute presentation, Joseph Borowy speaks at a conference in...

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry

Science the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural worldOxford Online Dictionary What is Spiritual Science? Ancient schools described how divine designs manifest everything in material existence. They called those patterns Sacred...

How to clean out your ears

How to clean out your ears

Did you know you can safely clean wax out of your ears? You don’t need me as your doctor to do it. “Safely” means NOT using a Q-tip in your ear canal. That can be disastrous, even if you have done it for years. A relevant study was published in the Journal of the...



In honor of National Hydration Day on June 23, let's dive into hydration. To review the pitfalls of dehydration and your thirst sensation, review my post on thirst. H2O = Happiness A poll of 2,000 Americans found that drinking water and happiness are directly...

Mix it in, mix it up

Mix it in, mix it up

You most likely know that you need to hydrate your body, especially in the desert. So you drink water. Is that the end of it? There is more! Hydration can be a lot more fun than simply putting water in your gullet. And hydration can be so much more effective than...



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ