I get this question from those taking thyroid medications: When I have my thyroid checked with a blood test, should I take my medication before having my blood drawn? As many things in life, the answer is: it depends. No surprise. We feel best when the thyroid hormone...
Call for a New Medical System in Japan From a medical system that kills to one that cures “If the malignant 90% of the medical system disappeared from this planet there can be no doubt that people would become healthier.” - Dr. Robert Medelson (Confessions of a...
Before you drink Green Smoothies If you have made a commitment to getting healthier this year, you may have considered, or already started drinking green smoothies. The idea behind green smoothies is that in order to eat large amounts of leafy green vegetables (which...
Stay Healthy Through the Holidays How to prevent illness and ward off a cold or flu at the first signs Welcome to Natural Medicine Looking for a quick fix so that you can keep up a hectic overstressed life? That is not what you will find here. What I will be...
Oct 6 - 12 is National Naturopathic Medicine Week The United States Senate, for the second year in a row, has unanimously passed a Resolution designating Oct. 6 - Oct. 12, 2014 Naturopathic Medicine Week. In addition, Governor Brewer signed a resolution for...
"I Know How You Feel" - Do I Really? Wow - I know I have said this in the past and believed that I meant it. Russell Friedman explained to a group of Naturopathic Physicians at a conference on June 7 why we should never say "I know how you feel." The short of it is...
Biotherapeutic Drainage What is it? This is the technical term for what I have been doing with a lot of my patients for years. It is the main system of medicine I learned from my homeopathic mentor, Dr. Gerard Gueniot, MD. It is one of the deepest ways to heal - by...
Beware Unauthorized Internet Supplement Sellers Several companies making supplements sold to health care practitioners have discovered a number of problems with products that are being sold online by unauthorized sellers. Designs for Health is one of these companies....
Cachoo! Allergy time? Do you have sneezing runny nose itchy eyes? If so, you have lots of company this time of year. It may be due to seasonal allergies, also called hay fever. On the other hand, do you have low energy brain fog headaches joint pain skin problems...
“Coffee is an amazingly potent collection of biologically active compounds,” says Dr. Walter C. Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health. Naturopathic medicine uses plants with biologically active compounds as medicines. And medicines have particular uses for...