Weighed Down with Toxins? While everyone with a heavy toxic burden is fat – and not everyone who’s fat has a heavy toxin burden – all of my overweight patients who rid themselves of toxins automatically lose weight. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work the other way...
Honey, Mud & Maggots
Book Review: Honey, Mud, Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels: The Science Behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives’ Tales by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein I was able to find this interesting book at my neighborhood library. On the subjects they review, I find the...
How to Proceed in a Friendly Universe
How to Proceed in a Friendly Universe Albert Einstein thought that the supreme question is “Is the universe friendly?” Wow! the implications if it is friendly . . . Is everything working towards my greatest good? Will I be provided everything I need? Are there...

Deep Cleanse
Sluggish? Overweight? Headaches? Skin problems? Indigestion or bloating? Joint pain or stiffness? Difficulty concentrating? Occupational toxin exposures? THEN THIS IS FOR YOU! The specialty products go deep to route out toxins from your fat cells and completely...

Am I Affected by Gluten?
What is gluten and why would it affect me? You might have heard of the "Gluten-Free" movement and are wondering. Read on if you or a loved one has lost their get-up-and-go, or has any of these symptoms: DiarrheaBloatingAbdominal painEczemaHeadacheFoggy...

Breast Health Awareness
It's October again and the campaigns with the pink ribbons, walks for the cure and being asked for contributions at the grocery store checkout line begins. Going against the grain of the mainstream, I am going to illuminate your choice: are you focusing on what you...

Change of Season Wellness
We celebrated the Autumnal Equinox, and nights really are getting cooler! Here is the sunrise on the equinox from a 2012 trip to Salt Lake City! As our bodies are making the shift, we find we might be desiring different foods, getting up and going to bed at different...

Thyroid Q & A
My doctor did a blood test and says my thyroid is fine. Why am I still sluggish, cold, constipated and depressed? Your blood test may have been measuring TSH only, and the picture is more complicated than that. Or the doctor may have done a more complete thyroid panel...

Fresh Air Naturally
Smell the Indoor Air Take a deep breath. How fresh is the air? The US Environmental Protection Agency ranks indoor air pollution as one of the top five threats to public health. The primary sources of poor indoor air quality are 1) airtight buildings and...

No-diet Weight Loss
My Story I, myself, started dieting in the sixth grade, and was up and down my whole life. More up than down, as a matter of fact. I could not correlate it to anything in particular, but sometimes I could lose weight, but inevitably I got to a point that I could not...