Kevin Kelly offers us a series of unsolicited advice celebrating his 68th birthday. I have selected my favorites. The whole list is posted on his website The Technium. • Learn how to learn from those you disagree with, or even offend you. See if you can find the...
Dr. Cheryl has been awarded the Best Alternative Health Practitioner in the Verde Valley again! Annually, the readers of The Verde Independent newspaper vote on their favorites. One category is professionals, and included in that ...
B.A.N.K. is a typing system that helps you better know what makes you tick, especially when you make important decisions. Great relationships are built on great communications, in both professional and personal life. B.A.N.K. is powerful communication system that has...
Sometimes Life Just Stinks! Don’t just cover up your odors – eliminate them for good! OdorXit Odor Eliminator and OdorXit Magic are guaranteed to remove odors without using perfumes, olfactory desensitizers, or masking scents. Natural, green and safe, you can use...
The microscope opened us up to a world too tiny for our eyes to see on their own. The telescope opened us up to a world so far beyond that we could hardly imagine the vastness of it. Now, in our times, we are capable of looking deeply within. Vibration underlies...
. . . created by children from around the world who are using the Big Life Journal resources to develop a growth and resilient mindset so they can face life’s challenges with confidence! Remember: You are unique. There is no one like you. Not everybody will...
A medical view of our current situation deserves the perspective of what Nature is really doing, is capable of, and how she protects life in creating diversity. By listening to Nature through evidence found in published studies put in the perspective of the...
Summer of Dance - Mindful Movement Workshops Doesn't that sound wonderful? It did to me. I did an introductory session with Ana and Cassie and was blown away with the creative result. I recognized that the writing I did in the session was a poem! I share...
I had the privilege to hear Dr. Andrew Weil speak at a hippie gathering at a hot spring in 1977. He had just graduated as a doctor, and was famously the author of From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs. Enough said. That...
95% of cases of high blood pressure have no known cause. That is, there is not a kidney, lung or circulatory problem that is causing blood pressure to be high. The conventional treatment is medication, but more and more is needed as the body adapts. Medication does...