"Water is the LifeBlood of the Earth Water is the LifeBlood of our Bodies Spread our Summit and Song widely, wildly, lovingly, and let’s be water protectors." Invited to bless water at a conference, Grandmother Nancy inducted the participants as water protectors. She...
Perhaps it has been this way for you too lately. I have not driven my car for a few days to go out anywhere. I have joined online meetings more than ever. I am coming up with different options for connection which I did not have to think about before. We all are...
Peggy Lee sang: Never know how much I love you - Never know how much I care . . . Fever in the mornin' - Fever all through the night . . . Fever till you sizzle - What a lovely way to burn - What a lovely way to burn. Peggy sang about fever from...
What is the best preventative medicine? What comes first? What has the biggest impact? What has the greatest return on investment? What makes the biggest difference in our health? Dr. Mike Evans answers these questions in this video about what has the best outcomes as...
Have you ever given a thought that the technology of cell phones might harm your health? Are you assured that the industry and government have tested it all and sorted it out so that this technology is safe? Independent journalist Derrick Broze was compelled look into...
On the north shore of Lake Chapala, Ajijic is not far from the central Mexican city of Guadalajara. Ajijic, pronounced AH-HEE-heek, is a native word meaning “the place where the water springs forth.” The ancient native Nahua people fished in the lake for its abundant...
When farmers are provided with structured water equipment that fits on their irrigation systems to water crops and soils, they support ecological restoration. Through hydrating soils, our food supply is regenerated by stimulating microbial populations, growing healthy...
What comes to your mind when you think of Meditation? For most people it is visions of eastern sages in Himalayan caves who have renounced the world. For others it is something only for hippies or lost 'New Agers' who have no grip on reality at...
Hey doc, can I get a shot so that I don't come down with the flu? The CDC recommends it: "The best way to prevent flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year." A Washington Post article likens not getting the flu shot to people who choose not to wear their...
The internet and social media is littered with what they call "life hacks." These are ways to improve your life by doing one thing that will have "amazing results!" I get annoyed with these "life hacks" because I do not believe that they are suited to everyone...