These words are entering the mainstream. Pro-biotic. Pre-biotic. We may have an inkling that they have something to do with our health. But what do they mean? How do they affect our health? Breaking it Down Both words have in common "biotic." This means "pertaining to...
This is not mainstream recommendations that keep you sick in the end. This is not Dr. Oz's health tips, either. This is not the standard alternative fare you find on the internet when you go searching. This is the ultimate handy resource for discovering what works for...
“My husband is here for a serious offense, he has been aggressive for a couple of years, even when we visited him he became tense, annoyed. Now he is changed, he is another person, very calm, serene, is interested in things. Meditation has served him and although he...
Most politicians are trained to breathe through their noses because it makes them appear calmer and more balanced, according to Sasha Yakovleva of Breathing I invite you to watch some politicians speaking - with the sound off - to verify this. Those pauses...
Can you imagine exercise with a smile on your face? Exercise that is exhilarating, not exhausting? Would you like to know a way to know when to back off for your own benefit? Is is possible to win a bicycle race against the Durango-Silverton train over two mountain...
Do you want to be happy? Do you wish to know the secret of how to be happy? Do you want to know the one and only place that happy people hang out? Unhappy people never hang out in the same place that happy people hang out. Wanna know the difference? Unhappy people are...
Or don't like to work out? Dislike gyms and can't motivate yourself to exercise at home? Bum knee? Or some other body part limiting you? Whatever your excuse for not moving enough in your daily life, I am here today to take it away. We probably all have heard of...
Sometimes we just need a little reminder of what is best to do. Then we can play at the game of life full-on. I created this Bingo card of little practices that contribute to Total Health. You can download it, print it out, laminate it, and put it on your kitchen...
What do you wish to change in your health or in your life in general? Where are you at in making that intentional change? What decisions have you already made? When we want to improve our health, we must recognize that it involves not simply taking a...
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. It is the season which leads up to the Christian Easter, the resurrection day of Jesus Christ. Lent is traditionally 40 days long, commemorating the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert before beginning his ministry. The...