Your kidneys will not tell you when they are ailing, most often, until it is too late. A colleague tells of a patient that came in with back pain that hurt all the time; it was not better or worse with movement. In addition, his face was puffy which showed that...
“A new school of practitioner has arisen,” says Dr. Osler, “which cared nothing for homeopathy and less for so-called allopathy. It seeks to study, rationally and scientifically, the action of drugs, old and new.” The Journal of the American Medical Association, Aug...
I use homeopathy every day in my practice and see results that amaze me. Repeatedly, so-called medical authorities have proclaimed that there is no evidence that homeopathy works, and cite studies which show it doesn't work. I wrote about this earlier this year...
Are your knees: stiff when you get up, and the stiffness eases up as you move around a while, then your knees get painful with more movement or exercise, If so, you may have osteoarthritis of the knee. You may hear or feel creaking, crunching, or grinding sensations...
What would you count as the most powerful way to avoid creating physical stress in your body? Thinking happy thoughts? Hmm . . . It may not be what you think. Do you believe there is any problem with these? skipping a meal losing some sleep sitting all day at work...
I continue to be struck with the contrast between my life in Cottonwood and the way things happen in this region of Spain. Many buildings are old. In the old cities the streets are narrow and parking is mostly underground. All the plazas are lit at night. The colors...
My summer stay is in Guayrapa Spain. On arrival, Ananda took me to a beach cafe. Then we visited Park Guell. My housemates went to the local bakery "Forn de Pa" and gave us gold temporary tattoos. As you can tell, we love to go out to eat as well as barbeque at...
I tasted authentic Spanish Paella today. My friend Ananda and I shopped for the ingredients and his friend Diamas cooked Paella for a whole group of us. It is important to cook everything in a big Paella pan over a gas stove, in this case it was butane. Spreading...
After the writing retreat, Rachael Jayne and Datta treated us to a dolphin adventure with our host, Hawaii Experiences. We rode a bus halfway across the island to the west side of Oahu where dolphins are known to hang out. Our group took up two boats! On the Island...
Stars from 13,000 feet - Mauna Kea, Hawaii This inactive volcano, the sister of Mauna Loa, is a spectacular place to see the stars. Telescopes care there because the air is not turbulent, which disrupts their images. Even from the Visitor Center at 6500 feet, the...