You most likely know that you need to hydrate your body, especially in the desert. So you drink water. Is that the end of it? There is more! Hydration can be a lot more fun than simply putting water in your gullet. And hydration can be so much more effective than...
Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND
Spring’s Flow
Spring’s here. My response this year is to get in the dirt. I am compelled to abandon my computer, get out of my head, and immerse myself in Nature. The compulsion is so strong that I cannot focus for long on email and phone responses, nor do anything outside of just...
Bro, you’re great!
Call 707-998-8410, and you just might hear the voice of a kid encouraging you that way. 700 callers per hour have taken advantage of this free hotline since they launched it February 26. Kids' voices will prompt you with a menu of options: If you're feeling mad,...
Water Stories
Living in the high desert of Arizona, I am very grateful for water! How can we better protect water and perhaps have an abundance of water in the ground? This is what I ponder today, World Water Day 2022. Fortunately, I have help from a community known as Water...
How do I meditate?
Michele wanted to know exactly what I do when I meditate. As you will see, it is an adventure. An adventure into the Stillness where I find peace. I was interviewed on Todd and Michele's Adventures in Meditation platform in the "Every Day Meditators" Interview series....
Peace is a Choice
Is peace impossible? Look within. (Turn on the closed captions) We have the ability to impact consciousness. Starting with ourselves, peace can ripple out. To live our lives from peace creates a great impact on the world. It is not out of...
Journey of Intrinsic Health
I’ve just completed the Journey of Intrinsic Health course with Zach Bush, MD and am so excited to share this experience with you. Dr. Zach Bush is a magnet for not only health-conscious people, but those dedicated to spiritual growth. As I am both, I was thrilled to...
The Cost of Mindlessness
In the routine of daily life, we often do things by rote, mindlessly. Because of this, we often do not notice what we are doing unless there is a problem. We put the dishes in the dishwasher, we put the clothes in the clothes washer, and we get in the shower to wash...
How easy can it be?
Gophers invaded my yard. I had seen the mounds in the neighbor’s yard behind mine. The gopher mounds appeared day after day. Now they were feasting on the roots of my trumpet vines, trees, and even native poppies and globe mallow. It could have been overwhelming if I...
The “Stop Doing” List
Our lives are busy, busy, busy doing lots of things. I have always done this . . . I need to do this . . . Nobody else will do it and it has to get done . . . Perhaps we are on automatic pilot. It’s what the job requires, what I need to get ahead, what my kids need,...