Trapped in a Hyper Real World This is advice from Chase Hughes, a psyops expert. I ask you to think about it in regard to your health and the information that you encounter through mainstream media, social media, and the internet in general. In the words of Chase...
Look up at the sky, scanning west to east on January 25, 2025 after the sun sets and darkness falls. If you are in the mid latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, about 90 minutes after dark, you might find: Image via Stellarium and EarthSky. You’ll be able to see 4...
It's packed full of inspiration, clarity and fun! This book is perfect for anyone who is simply looking for some peace of mind as well as hard-core seekers who are on a spiritual quest. Reading it can show you what is possible in your life, as these...
When presented with a different way, when do you find yourself saying these things: That’s the way I’ve always done it. That’s too complicated; let’s not overthink it. That’s not what my experience has shown. That will never work here for me. When you do, you may be...
Do you sometimes feel a victim of circumstance, alone in your misery of illness? Do you suspect there is more, a benefit to whatever dis-ease you are going through? Explore with me “How to Go Beyond Dis-ease” in this short chat on Dr. Beverly’s podcast. Her Dancing...
Avoid problems and conflicts out of fear of failure? Or welcome challenges as opportunities to learn? That's the fundamental difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. This video illustrates it beautifully....
What is more important than peace, joy, and love? Do you struggle with: your busy mind not letting you alone, letting you know you are never enough? having to deal with the problems caused by the people in your life? arranging so that you can relax in peace, but not...
Does that title rub you the wrong way? Are you feeling pinched, running up against boundaries, health limitations, tight spots in your life? Feeling that you need to fix or change something in your life before you can experience any ease or abundance? What is...
As a person of retirement age AND an entrepreneur, I spend my time differently than most people my age. Also, I spend my time differently than I did 10 years ago. Then I was actively building my business and had short times to myself on weekends, which I relished. I...
Michael Beckwith talks in this video of the stages of spiritual awareness he discovered. The 4 stages are: 1. TO ME – I am a victim of circumstances. I am alone. 2. BY ME – I am a manifester; I can make it happen....