Is the monster of anxiety stalking you? Are you caught in the grips of a free floating contraction around the idea that you don’t know what will happen next, and it is sure to be awful? Do your thoughts and emotions spiral downward when feeling anxious? Listen to...
Love it AND hate it. Master or slave? Or do you think it is under control? I’m talking about our technology: phone calls, zoom meetings, texts, email, social media, streaming . . . It is now easier for some people to chat with someone on the other side of the world...
In this interview with Dr. Mercola, Dr. Tom Cowan shows how cancer could not have a genetic cause. He explains that the problem instead involves the inside of the cells and the structure of their water. Defects in the energy-producing organelle, the...
Most of us learned in grade school that the heart is a pump. It is even taught in medical school. It sounds good, right? We feel our pulse and the rhythmic flow of our blood. Being familiar with the mechanical world around us, it seems the same as water pumped through...
Let there be Peace on Earth . . . and let it begin with me . . . You know the adage: be the change you want to see. That translates to: be the peace you want to see. How? Register here for this free masterclass to discover how to "Live in Peace Now" Invite you...
Kevin Kelly offers us a series of unsolicited advice celebrating his 68th birthday. I have selected my favorites. The whole list is posted on his website The Technium. • Learn how to learn from those you disagree with, or even offend you. See if you can find the...
B.A.N.K. is a typing system that helps you better know what makes you tick, especially when you make important decisions. Great relationships are built on great communications, in both professional and personal life. B.A.N.K. is powerful communication system that has...
. . . created by children from around the world who are using the Big Life Journal resources to develop a growth and resilient mindset so they can face life’s challenges with confidence! Remember: You are unique. There is no one like you. Not everybody will...
I had the privilege to hear Dr. Andrew Weil speak at a hippie gathering at a hot spring in 1977. He had just graduated as a doctor, and was famously the author of From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs. Enough said. That...
What kind of person do you want to be at the end of this journey of the global pandemic? You may be in panic and think it could not get any worse. But now is the time to roll up your sleeves and dig deep. Brace for impact. It is time to find the courage to make...