Fascia - the web in our body What is fascia? The connective tissue of the body binds every cell to its neighbors and the tissues made up of cells to other tissues, encases and connects organs, muscles, bones, and even connects to the skin and goes inside the cell to...
Neck pain
Lose Wheat, Lose Weight
Lose Wheat, Lose Weight When you lose wheat, you may lose: Joint stiffness and pain Acid reflux Rashes Mental fog Fatigue Poor quality sleep Food obsessions Some asthmatic symptoms Leg swelling A few points of fasting blood sugar A few pounds Frankengrain Wheat has...
Bowenwork for Pain: A Winner, Hands Down
Bowenwork for Pain: A Winner, Hands Down as published in NDNR July 2013 download a scan here A 17 year old female had “spasms up and down my back every 30 seconds which were painful and exhausting.” After a visit to the ER and a spinal tap to check for meningitis,...
Alabama! home of Dr. Linda Jarvis, NMD, a friend since studying together at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine the location of my latest "Introduction to Bowenwork" class famous for the south's favorite snack: hot boiled peanuts home of "Unclaimed Baggage" as...
Move it!
Move It! Is Exercise Enough? Studies have shown that exercise during space missions or bed rest was useful, but rarely was it more than 50% effective in keeping muscles and bones from wasting. NASA confirmed that the determining factor in the ability to withstand and...
Bowenwork Students Wish to Tell You
Bowenwork Students Wish to Tell You . . . Enjoyable. Interesting. Peaceful. - Michael L, Prescott, AZ It is amazing how much I learned in a 4 hour class. I myself feel improvement in my body just from the practice we students did on each other. I am looking forward...
Wellness in YOUR Hands with Bowenwork
Yes, now you can learn a few Bowen bodywork moves that are handy in those emergencies of everyday living. Release muscle tension Alleviate joint pain Soothe body stiffness Relieve neck, back, knee pain Stop heartburn, stomachache Ease breathing difficulties Speed...
For Men: About Your Body . . .
This is best said by a man. Thank you, Greg Kennedy! Men - please read it and I'm betting you will identify yourself here. And it wouldn't hurt if some women read this too . . . If you are in, then call me . . . sooner rather than later. Straight Talk for Men By Greg...
Breast Health Awareness
It's October again and the campaigns with the pink ribbons, walks for the cure and being asked for contributions at the grocery store checkout line begins. Going against the grain of the mainstream, I am going to illuminate your choice: are you focusing on what you...
Vinegar – a powerful home remedy
I’ll bet we can all recite the first verse of this nursery rhyme: Jack and Jill went up the hillTo fetch a pail of water,Jack fell down and broke his crownAnd Jill came tumbling after. Now, we might want to stop here and send Jack and Jill to the ER, but the...