Do you find it hard to sort through all the health information on the web and from your friends? Are you easily taken in by offers and wonder if they are too good to be true? Do you stop listening critically to a health authority when you find yourself...
Prescription drugs have side effects. That is, they have effects which are besides the intended effect. This can vary from person to person. The intended effects of drugs are mostly to stop a process in the body, hence the "anti-" designation: anti-inflammatory,...
My Story I, myself, started dieting in the sixth grade, and was up and down my whole life. More up than down, as a matter of fact. I could not correlate it to anything in particular, but sometimes I could lose weight, but inevitably I got to a point that I could not...
A patient emailed a question . . . She asked me about including "good for you" leafy greens in her diet. She just made pesto for the first time with some fresh basil. She likes spinach, but not the other leafy greens, and was looking for a way to get any leafy greens...
Not to mention the effusive solar flares! We've been on a wild celestial ride, and there is more to come. What does this all mean? I am taking this as a cosmic reminder to loosen limitations, drop small thinking and motivations based in fear. It is time to engage...
Reactional Modes: The Ability to Respond We recognize health in individuals with abundant reserve energy, a radiant aliveness. This aliveness is dependent on the ability to identify what is beneficial to one’s own growth and development and readily and efficiently...
This was the title of a talk presented by James L. Oschman, PhD at the Bio-Energetic Medicine conference in Tempe, AZ this weekend (June 2 - 3). It was sponsored by the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association and I enthusiastically attended the whole conference. The...
It's summer and it is easy to lose too much of your fluids in the heat. I hope you are taking measures to tank up on highly absorbable water first thing in the morning and frequently throughout the day. However, it sometimes does happen that you are outside too long,...
Lifestyle Changes for Adrenal Stress Syndrome 1. Avoid Adrenal Stimulators In order to normalize the adrenals, the removal of stimulants and sources of adrenal stress is the first place to start. Those who do not comply with this have minimal results. The following...