Prescription drugs have side effects. That is, they have effects which are besides the intended effect. This can vary from person to person. The intended effects of drugs are mostly to stop a process in the body, hence the "anti-" designation: anti-inflammatory,...
This was the title of a talk presented by James L. Oschman, PhD at the Bio-Energetic Medicine conference in Tempe, AZ this weekend (June 2 - 3). It was sponsored by the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association and I enthusiastically attended the whole conference. The...
It's summer and it is easy to lose too much of your fluids in the heat. I hope you are taking measures to tank up on highly absorbable water first thing in the morning and frequently throughout the day. However, it sometimes does happen that you are outside too long,...
Lifestyle Changes for Adrenal Stress Syndrome 1. Avoid Adrenal Stimulators In order to normalize the adrenals, the removal of stimulants and sources of adrenal stress is the first place to start. Those who do not comply with this have minimal results. The following...
Dry Skin Brushing What exactly is dry skin brushing? Why do I need to do that since I scrub in the shower? Doesn't it hurt? How can I add one more health practice to my day? What is it? Dry skin brushing is an easy, fast, no-cost way to keep your skin soft and...
First, a fable . . . The human body responds to medical treatment much like the traveler in Aesop’s fable “The North Wind and the Sun.” The Wind challenged the Sun to remove the jacket of the traveler walking along the road beneath them. As the Sun hid behind a cloud,...