It will help you calm down and relax muscles. It’s deficiency is the hidden cause of chocolate cravings. It is deficient in the soils where our food grows, so most of us are deficient unless we supplement. Have you heard this about the mineral magnesium? If there is...
Trouble losing weight? Tired but you don't know why? Gas & bloating the first few hours after eating? Energy swings before and after eating? Women diagnosed with high blood ferritin without an iron overload? Diagnosed with thyroid disease or diabetes? These...
When is a potato no longer a potato? Does it make a difference whether you eat a potato chip or a boiled potato? Potato chips are highly processed with additional fat and salt. Potatoes, whether baked or boiled, are cooked, but unprocessed. The potato makes a great...
You have heard: Drink eight 8 oz glasses of water a day. Every day drink - in ounces - half your body weight in pounds. Drink as much as you can when you are exercising. Your thirst sense cannot be trusted, so you must drink before you are thirsty. None of these have...
These words are entering the mainstream. Pro-biotic. Pre-biotic. We may have an inkling that they have something to do with our health. But what do they mean? How do they affect our health? Breaking it Down Both words have in common "biotic." This means "pertaining to...
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. It is the season which leads up to the Christian Easter, the resurrection day of Jesus Christ. Lent is traditionally 40 days long, commemorating the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert before beginning his ministry. The...
It's that time! The slide towards the New Year. Holidays with such busy days! Meeting family obligations. The inevitable weight gain? This is the one time of year it pays exponentially to pay attention to what you eat and keep your life's routines. It's not too late!...
Which of these do you believe about obesity? is a problem where people simply eat too much and don't exercise enough is due to a slow metabolism is an obscure hormonal imbalance is the physical expression of a mental problem is a moral failure resulting in overeating...
That doesn't grab your attention. Or does it? Who cares about what you already know? Attention always goes to the latest exotic superfood or which food is the villain - is it fat or sugar now? Yet, those who are curious wish to have what they know be confirmed....
This was the diet wisdom when I was growing up. If you are fat, then eat less and exercise more. I know it intimately. I remember a time when I was in about fourth grade. I learned to count calories with a little booklet my Mom had. I made sure I rode my bike more...