“The reason we’re out of sync with the Earth is because there’s not enough Earth in us. We’re mineral deficient.” – Caroline Alan, mineral geek
- Are you tired of bio hacks, supplements, or even natural herbs to manage your symptoms?
- What if many of them could be resolved by simply getting the building blocks your body needs?
- Does it sound too good to be true that everything improves when you just get the building block MINERALS?
Why isn’t food providing minerals we need?
When a plant grows in the soil, it uptakes minerals from the soil to help form its structure. When it dies, it decomposes, and all of its mineral content goes back into the soil.
But when we grow plants on farms, we take the plants away from where they grew and feed them to animals or eat them ourselves. The minerals don’t get back into the soil. Sure, farmers add back fertilizers or grow cover crops, but the soil still has less and less and less minerals. This same soil has been cultivated in this way for hundreds or thousands of years, so it becomes extremely depleted of minerals.
Consequences of mineral deficiency
When you are mineral deficient, you develop a hidden hunger.
You know, when you eat a meal then half an hour later, you’re opening the fridge looking for something to fill the void you are feeling. You may be constantly craving sugar and salt and the satisfaction in eating is short-lived.
Mineral deficiency can also show up as
- hair loss
- brain fog
- slow healing
- cramps in muscles
- constant, low-level anxiety or panic
- depression
- blood sugar dysregulation
- not being able to sleep through the night
- struggling to manage anger
- mood disruptions
Why? The mitochondria, the powerhouse of each cell, is fueled by minerals and amino acids. When you do not have enough available, your body will have to choose where it uses them and leave the rest undone. Low on that priority list is building and replacing hair, nails, and skin. Therefore, with mineral deficiency, you get thinning hair, dull skin, brittle nails. Muscles don’t relax as well so you get cramps.
Then the immune system doesn’t have proper fuel to heal small injuries or quench inflammation. On top of that, the brain and hormonal system do not work well. Even anxiety can result, as every cell is on edge wondering if it is going to get what it needs.
How to supplement your minerals
The first question is which minerals are you deficient in that you need to supplement? That is a rabbit hole of testing methods, choosing what to include in the test, and how to interpret the test results.
Then if you take physiologic doses of a certain mineral long enough, you risk an imbalance of other minerals, which can lead to more symptoms. Now the picture is clouded because some symptoms are caused by supplementation.
For example, a study showed that when women took calcium for their bones long-term, they disrupted the balance of other minerals and wound up with heart issues, as that muscle was affected by the mineral imbalance.
Then, the form of the mineral is important in how well it is absorbed and utilized. Most electrolyte supplements which include minerals needed in trace amounts, are combined with another mineral, like sodium chloride, known as salt. The body has to break it down into its components, sodium and chloride in order to utilize it. Still then, it is not easily transported into the cell without sugar opening the gates.
Minerals which the body needs in larger amounts are often chelated, or bound to another substance, as a supplement. What it is bound to makes a difference in how it is absorbed and utilized and yet is only partially able to do so. I wrote a whole blog on the many forms of magnesium supplements, how easily they are absorbed, and which form works for what condition. Note that magnesium oxide is hardly absorbed at all, so is almost useless as a supplement.
But if minerals are naked as themselves, in their ionic form, they are much better absorbed and utilized. But where do you find them like that?
What if there was a full-spectrum mineral supplement that occurs in ionic form in the exact ratios that is the natural ratio our bodies are made of?
There is. Nature can do that. In specific, in the extremely fertile soil of the rainforests of the last era when the dinosaurs lived. Before there was farming and removing the plants from the rainforest. The soil there contains decomposed plants rich in minerals and other vital components.
Why plant-based
When freshwater plants decompose, specific microbes act in a particular sequence to turn them into humic and fulvic substances. If you see a pond, and it’s brown, that’s evidence that those plants are decomposing and creating humic substances.
Humic substances in general are comprised of weakly bound aggregates of small organic compounds that can act as an electron donor or electron acceptor. One result is that they can sequester minerals and make them available to plants. They can also trap free radicals that would damage cells and their DNA, acting as an antioxidant.
Fulvic is a particular type of humic substance that is a small molecule. It functions to transport nutrients into the cell and carry biowaste out of that same cell.
Certain humic mineral complexes occur as large molecules that circulate in the blood and fluids outside of cells. As “Nature’s Janitor,” these highly charged molecules attract, through their electrical charge, bio-waste, free radicals and heavy metals and carry them out of the body.
Humic acids have been shown to exhibit magnificent antiviral activity. A humic acid molecule can cover a virus and block its escape, making it vulnerable to the immune system, preventing its reproduction. At the same time, the humic acid sends a signal to the immune system about the appearance of the virus so it can launch its immune cascades. As a result, the number of viruses decreases, and the immune system can successfully neutralize their action.
Humic acids are powerful detoxifiers. They actively participate in liver metabolism by capturing and immobilizing toxic substances. They bind and remove heavy metals such as lead, copper, mercury, cadmium, cobalt, and zinc from the body.
Sound too good to be true? That’s Nature for you, looking out for Life.
How good can you feel?
“I feel really, really good since taking those BEAM minerals” – AP
“I no longer have hot flashes once I was on the BEAM liquids a month.” – KL
“My sense of smell is more acute, and I thought it was fine before.” – SI
“I no longer have dry eyes and no longer wake up with a dry mouth since taking the BEAM minerals” – KK
What can your body do with the proper mineral building blocks? What symptoms will be relieved for you?
How do I get these mineral complexes?
BEAM – “Best Electrolytes And Minerals” is a supplement which comes from ancient soils with humic complexes. There are two basic products. One has electrolytes and trace minerals with fulvic and the other has larger humic complexes with minerals.
Electrolyze™ is a liquid primarily composed of Fulvic Mineral Complexes, small molecules that transport nutritional elements into the cells and carry bio-waste out of the cells.
• Extraordinary electrolyte support
• Boosts body’s innate energy production systems
• Supports nutrient assimilation
• Curbs sugar cravings
• Activates metabolism
• Replaces salts and powdered electrolytes
Micro-BOOST™ is a liquid primarily composed of Humic Mineral Complexes, large molecules that stay outside the cells. As “Nature’s Janitor,” these highly charged molecules attract, through their electrical charge, bio-waste, free radicals and heavy metals and carry them out of the body.
• Supports natural detoxification
• Encourages digestive well-being
• Relieves body aches and cramps
• Promotes restful sleep
• Helps with elimination
• Supports a healthy immune system
Electro-BOOST™ is like a serving of these two together dry in a capsule, which makes it easy to take with you when you travel. Each capsule contain 70+ naturally occurring, trace electrolytes, minerals, micronutrients, phyo-nutrients, amino acids and vitamins in a vegan gelatin capsule. NO sweeteners, stimulants, calories, carbohydrates or harmful chemicals.
Insta-Lytes™ is the Electrolyze in a 100% bioavailable misting spray, allowing you to apply it directly where you need it most. It is absorbed directly through the skin for an instant infusion of electrolytes for replenishment, hydration and detoxification.
• Resolves acute cramping symptoms (keep it by your bed at night if you get night cramps)
• After an intense workout with soreness related to lactic acid buildup
• Relief to acute sunburn.
• Spray on face for relief for tired eyes.
Download this instruction sheet of how I recommend that you take them.
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