Value of Nuts & Seeds
What is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats and supports the health of every cell in your body? You guessed it (from the title): Nuts & Seeds Specifically, they contain monounsaturated fats (omega-9) polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6)...

Thyroid Antibodies: Nuances Matter
When decoding your thyroid health, thyroid antibodies can present a complex puzzle. Anyone that suspects they have a thyroid problem should initially test for thyroid antibodies along with TSH, free T3, and free T4. What Are Thyroid Antibodies, Anyway? Thyroid...

Reclaiming Reality
Trapped in a Hyper Real World This is advice from Chase Hughes, a psyops expert. I ask you to think about it in regard to your health and the information that you encounter through mainstream media, social media, and the internet in general. In the words of Chase...

Chinese New Year 2025
Happy New Year! The New Moon on January 29, 2025 marks the beginning of Chinese New Year. It is a spring festival landing on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The Chinese celebrate this grand New Year festival for seven days. Iconic red lanterns and red...

Lift your eyes to the night sky, lift your spirits
Look up at the sky, scanning west to east on January 25, 2025 after the sun sets and darkness falls. If you are in the mid latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, about 90 minutes after dark, you might find: Image via Stellarium and EarthSky. You’ll be able to see 4...

Hormonal Balance for Menopausal Women: What, How, and When to Eat
Long before HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for women gained popularity, became nearly ubiquitous, experienced backlash due to interpretations of the Women’s Health Initiative, and later re- surged in acceptance, our ancestors thrived during their menopausal years...

Ceremonial Use of Herbs
by Deborah Frances Thanks to Herbal Education Services Herbalist, naturopath, and much revered teacher and elder, Dr. Bill Mitchell once said, that through the process of photosynthesis, plants just naturally bring light into physical form, making them invaluable...

Eight Oils to Avoid
What do these processed foods have in common? Deep-fried and batter-fried foods: Donuts, crullers, French fries, onion rings, chicken nuggets, fried chicken, fish ‘chips’Junk foods: Chips, crackers, microwave popcorn, “Hot Pockets,” tater totsPrepared foods: Salad...

Replenish Minerals
"The reason we’re out of sync with the Earth is because there’s not enough Earth in us. We’re mineral deficient." - Caroline Alan, mineral geek Are you tired of bio hacks, supplements, or even natural herbs to manage your symptoms? What if many of them could be...

Recycle Your Supplement Packaging
I, Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf, have joined with TerraCycle to collect and return for recycling a lot of the packaging of your supplements that would be wasted. This offer is limited to the brands of the parent company sponsoring this program. They are Pure Encapsulations®...