Out of Africa
Out of Africa . . . and in Arizona! With this unseasonably warm winter weather, it is a perfect time to visit our local park of wild animals . . . Out of Africa. The famous Tiger Splash . . . this tiger is eager to play, he is on the ramp leading to the pool, waiting...
Local National Parks
Local National Parks I am fortunate to live in an area in which certain historical ruins are preserved as National Parks. There is a long history of communities in the Verde Valley. The mild winters, flowing creeks and rivers and riparian areas foster this. This is...
Adrenal Reset Diet
Move from Stressed to Thriving with the Adrenal Reset Diet from Dr. Alan Christianson Weight gain is often due to our modern lifestyle which disrupts the adrenal rhythm to put us in survival mode. Food is not our enemy, it is our solution. Our food choices can act as...
Stressed, Wired or Crashed?
Stressed, Wired or Crashed? Are you thriving? Do you feel enthusiastic, mentally sharp and focused, and have deep and restful sleep? Or instead are you edgy, overwhelmed, or exhausted? A lot of that has to do with your adrenal function, specifically your daily...
Boundless New Year
Boundless New Year The author of the book Boundless, Greg Hopkinson is on a world tour called the Boundless Project. He and his partner Aditi stopped in Salt Lake City for New Years. I visited with them and the others coming to see them. We had a blast! Here they are...
Transform Yourself this New Year
Transform Yourself this New Year Looking for a simple way to transform your life? Tired of repeating affirmations, tapping, finding and neutralizing limiting beliefs, or just hoping for the best? The Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension is utterly effortless to practice and...
Healthy Holiday Pick-me-Ups
Fortify flagging energy without caffeine or sugar Sometimes the day gets really long when we are getting ready for the holidays. And the holidays themselves can be very busy, and we need something to keep us going. This is not an excuse to skimp on...
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Marta and I took a Thanksgiving adventure to the Grand Canyon with her dog Bella. We entered from the east, and stopped at the Watchtower first. Inside, a spiral staircase lead to many viewing levels. I was thrilled by Mary Colter's...
Power vs Force in Detoxification
Power vs Force in Detoxification published in October 2014 NDNR editorial exclusive Something I was taught in the first week of naturopathic medical school left an indelible mark on my thinking about healing. Dr. Sensenig quoted Paracelsus in his first lecture: “The...
Stay Healthy Through the Holidays
Stay Healthy Through the Holidays How to prevent illness and ward off a cold or flu at the first signs Welcome to Natural Medicine Looking for a quick fix so that you can keep up a hectic overstressed life? That is not what you will find here. What I will be...