Long before HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for women gained popularity, became nearly ubiquitous, experienced backlash due to interpretations of the Women’s Health Initiative, and later re- surged in acceptance, our ancestors thrived during their menopausal years...
Hormonal Imbalances
Eating for Hormonal Healing
What does that mean? Eating for healing your hormones? Why is it so important to heal your hormones? The Key Hormones are the messengers working behind the scenes to regulate everything in your body. You need to have enough of these messengers to get the message...
Eating for Healing
Eating. Healing. They don't always go together, so let's look at how they can. What you eat matters to your health and healing. When you eat matters to your health and healing. How you eat also belongs in the context of fasting as each has its healing effects for your...
Calm stress with your own top dog hormone
Constant stress from the modern world creates the need to run away from the tiger, the response signaled by cortisol that is wired into us from our ancestors. Since we cannot physically run from the dangers in the modern world, glucose that cortisol releases does not...
Seeds as Hormonal Medicine
A lot of women approaching menopause bounce from doctor to doctor to deal with the symptoms that are making them feel so bad. Heavy periods, acne, fatigue, sugar cravings, slow metabolism, brain fog, insomnia, low sex drive, burnout, hot flashes, anxiety, and hundreds...
Introducing Dr. Mindy Pelz
My Mentor Dr. Mindy Pelz is an expert on customizing a lifestyle for women that includes what to eat and when not to eat. Her book "Fast Like a Girl", a best seller, shows women how we can adopt a lifestyle that is in synch with our hormone cycle, even during...
Improve Sleep with Food
Naw, we can't get better sleep by adding in a few foods, can we? Sure we can, with the right amounts of the right kinds of food eaten at the right time of day. How does that work? Plants make compounds in response to their environment. These compounds regulate insects...
Hormonal Balance from Nature
A once-a-week hike in Nature can restore balance in your mood and hormones. That's a bold statement. Don't believe it? Think you need hormone replacement and anti-depressants, even if they are natural? We often forget that we belong to Nature, so we underestimate that...
Busting “Eat Less – Exercise More”
This was the diet wisdom when I was growing up. If you are fat, then eat less and exercise more. I know it intimately. I remember a time when I was in about fourth grade. I learned to count calories with a little booklet my Mom had. I made sure I rode my bike more...
Thyroid Meds before Thyroid Blood Test?
I get this question from those taking thyroid medications: When I have my thyroid checked with a blood test, should I take my medication before having my blood drawn? As many things in life, the answer is: it depends. No surprise. We feel best when the thyroid hormone...