“Honey, are you sure you want to do this?” My mom’s eyebrows furrowed together, worried. I WAS SURE . . . THEN . . . (Sigh) As the miles passed under the bus, all alone on the dusty vinyl seat, the reality of the situation sank in. Chest pounding. Thoughts...
We are not here on Earth against all odds. We are not here in opposition to forces in Nature that are out to get us, like viruses. We are here as a result of Nature and her brilliant messengers in the biological web of life, the microbes including viruses. I am...
What would you say if I declared that 2020 was the best year yet? I hear a lot of cynicism. Pffff . . . how could that be? Lost lives, lost livelihoods, lost control, lost elections, lost connections, lost . . . Yes, it was a year of losses. But . . . What if it also...
People complain of unsafe behaviors during COVID times: going to a bar large gatherings, such as for sports, music concerts or religious services eating at a restaurant buffet working out at a gym not wearing a mask There is one more behavior, which has been...
"I think everyone should always wear a mask" - a patient, November, 2020 When I hear a patient voice a medical opinion, I wish she could see what I have seen and have my background before making an opinion. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled...
Toss out your New Years’ resolutions! You won’t need them and you will find out why they really don't work. I invite you to maximize the results you can get by applying principles from my book, 2020 Vision: Action Guide to the Year 2020 as we wrap up this year. Or,...
I feel I need to offer a different perspective, one of more balance. I see too much ignorance, fear and disrespect for Life these days. For a clear presentation of this perspective, I defer to Penelope Smith, the grandmother of interspecies communication. She has...
The year just keeps getting better. Daughter now makes family Thanksgiving feast. Not quite what I was planning. I answer to the name of mom. These are six-word stories. “The constraint of the six-word form helps us get to the essence of what matters most,” says...
I had a chat with friend and colleague Loto Vazquez. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq7oIH2Bqh8 Show highlights 0:28 I feel like my role is to support conscious leaders in being healthy in their body so that they can do what they were born to do and so in a way I'm...
How do we really heal? Why might it look different than you think it will? What is so important about re-connecting with Nature for healing? On Tuesday, October 20, Loto Vazquez interviewed me for his "Freedom Hackers Tribe." We talked about just that. Listen and see...