They claim to help us, but in reality, do us harm. Darin Olien defines "fatal conveniences" as toxic products we routinely use and the unhealthy things we do that our culture makes us believe are safe and necessary for living today. This is not to scare you, but to...
Let’s minimize our poisons, please? But when they are all around us, we have to be aware specifically of where they are so as not to intentionally poison ourselves. Some poisons are really hard to get away from, so we need to be informed. Then we can start to choose...
What's beyond filtration? We continue our journey on finding high-quality water which we can drink and absorb into our cells, and not pee out right away. The first step was separation of contaminants, because when water is contaminated, either you use a filter or you...
Look at yourself in the mirror. Look at the faces of people you meet during the day. Do you see puffiness under your or their eyes? Do you see dark circles? Perhaps that may go along with: frequent urination, general fatigue, painful joints, weak ankles, poor hearing,...
Marie Kondo, the organizing consultant, the magician of tidying up, has been an inspiration to me. She helps people see what is really important in their lives and shows them how to tidy up in order to enjoy those things. She is an inspiration because her way is...
If you were trying to lose weight, and you restricted your calories in what you ate throughout the day, sooner or later it would backfire. As every “Biggest Loser” winner has proven, you gain the weight back! This is because those winners have reduced their basal...
For me, the ultimate health food would have to: make me feel alive, awake, and alert give me softer, younger-looking skin reverse the effects of pollution, both chemical and electromagnetic while increasing the absorption of essential nutrients into the the body make...
Are you considering doing a cleansing spring detox? You can’t go too far in health circles without hearing about doing detoxification. You may hear about getting rid of the heavy metals, the chemicals, the nasty stuff that has come into our bodies because we are...
Baby boomers probably don't have to worry. We grew up in a different time. Maxwell Smart had his shoe phone. Mobile phones were imagined in science fiction. Today's young people cannot be surgically separated from their smart phones, it seems. Look at...
I have heard so many patients declare that since their neck hurts, they must have slept wrong. Or that they need a new pillow. So they get a new pillow and it is a little better for a while. My question is: How could sleeping in a certain position cause neck pain...