Have you been accused of being too serious? When was the last time you had a smile on your face for more than just a moment? Have you forgotten how to play? If you haven't - good for you. If you have - then, it is time to start again. Either way, Val and I...
Laura Vandegrift introduces us to movements which create a brain - body balance. Have water handy to sip for hydration, and join us for these simple exercises for more alertness, focus and balance. The last exercise, Hook Ups, gives you exactly what you need: it can...
Spring is radiant. Spring is blossoming forth. Spring flowers are shining brightly. That is why I call my flower gallery the effulgence of spring. All but one is growing in my yard. I took pictures of all of these in my yard today. Desert Evening Primrose Barrel...
Mainstream media, whether TV or radio or online news or Facebook or wherever is NOT where you get the full picture about how you can protect your health during this pandemic. On the other hand, have you noticed they DO do a good job of keeping everyone in fear?...
Remember the radio commercial for Doan's Pills? (I know I'm dating myself.) "Nagging backache? Everyday stress and strain? Take Doan's Pills." I say don't. Your body has wisdom to keep you in and bring you back to health. Problem is that what we do and think...
What do the years 1889, 1918, 1957, 1968 and today have in common? Those are the years of, in order, a severe influenza pandemic that lasted 4 years, the Spanish Flu, the “Asian” influenza pandemic, the “Hong Kong” flu pandemic, and the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition,...
Practicing "social-distancing" from the refrigerator. The "quarantine 15." PSA: every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom. People have been joking about and lamenting how "shelter in place" is...
We're in the midst of a pandemic. That's an epidemic on a world-wide scale. A virus has spread around the world, and it happened quickly thanks to airplane travel. Yes, we are hunkering down at home, practicing physical distancing. We wash our hands until they are...
We are experiencing a disruption of life as we have known it. This is not new to humanity. Throughout history, infectious diseases have changed how we live. Every time an epidemic sweeps through civilization, it is different. Homeopathic treatment is uniquely...
In this 49-minute video, earth scientist Gregg Brayden affirms that "We are made for times like these!" He proclaims: "We're living a new reality--a new and evolving normal that has been triggered by the world-wide pandemic of 2020. I've built this brief and concise...