Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND

Learning Mindset

Learning Mindset

When I was in first grade, I overheard my teacher telling my mother that I was smart. Do you remember being labeled as good at something early in life? How did that play out? I was not sure what being smart meant then, but I felt that I had something to live up to....

Cottonwood Toastmasters on TV

Cottonwood Toastmasters on TV

Who is Toastmasters for? Why join a Toastmasters club? I answer these questions on a local TV interview! Jenn Cohen from the Verde Valley Experience on Verde Valley TV interviewed me about Toastmasters. It's eight minutes long, one of three features for February 7th....

Sleep Like King Tut

Sleep Like King Tut

King Tut’s bed looks unusual to the modern eye. It is five inches higher on the end where he laid his head! However, this was not unusual in Egyptian culture. The Mayans and the Hiwi of Venezuela have traditionally slept in hammocks, where their head was higher than...

What’s Your Measure?

What’s Your Measure?

Studies have shown that one simple measurement can tell a lot about which way your health is going. No, it's not your blood cholesterol. No, it's not the number of steps you take in a day. And no, it's not your body mass index. It's not even your level of stress, your...

2019: Ease & Creativity

2019: Ease & Creativity

I have a feeling about this new year 2019 that has just started.  Do you feel it too? During the last two years, I felt I paid my dues. Not that I did not have fun. Yes, I did have fun times. Hawaii and Spain and Mexico and finishing my book and meeting a lot of...

Heartfelt Gifts

Heartfelt Gifts

When thinking of giving a gift, what do you consider? Do you ever consider these kinds of questions? What makes a gift valuable? What message does your gift convey? How do you want to share your energy?   Gifts in the Season of Love and Light For me, this time of...

Obesity Myths Busted

Obesity Myths Busted

Which of these do you believe about obesity? is a problem where people simply eat too much and don't exercise enough is due to a slow metabolism is an obscure hormonal imbalance is the physical expression of a mental problem is a moral failure resulting in overeating...



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ