"Water is the LifeBlood of the Earth Water is the LifeBlood of our Bodies Spread our Summit and Song widely, wildly, lovingly, and let’s be water protectors." Invited to bless water at a conference, Grandmother Nancy inducted the participants as water protectors. She...
Perhaps it has been this way for you too lately. I have not driven my car for a few days to go out anywhere. I have joined online meetings more than ever. I am coming up with different options for connection which I did not have to think about before. We all are...
The internet and social media is littered with what they call "life hacks." These are ways to improve your life by doing one thing that will have "amazing results!" I get annoyed with these "life hacks" because I do not believe that they are suited to everyone...
I find this happens on a vacation or a retreat. I'm away from home, away from work, and I expect to be relaxed! It is not until the third or fourth day that I start to feel relaxed. Then things accelerate and by the end of the week, I feel more and more...
Eating is a vital part of our lives. You may notice that eating is a very charged topic! We fervently defend what we want to eat. Americans seem to have opportunities to eat all the time! We eat on the run, as a business meeting, or with the whole family. We eat...
Thanks in abundance, gratitude galore, is gratitude a gogo. That is what I am feeling right now as the year is ending and we start the new year and a new decade. The year 2019 was a time to dive deep into what gives us joy - and I discovered it. How about you? I had a...
It's not just for one day on Christmas, we want to pink up this whole month! What does that mean? We invite you to share the pink light of love all through December, starting on the first and not ending until the thirty-first. Once you start, you may never want to end...
Ken Wilber is one of my super-heroes. No, he does not wear a cape. The only flying he does is navigating the noosphere, the tangible but rarified space of consciousness. Ken is dedicated to consciousness through spreading self-actualization through his teachings. He...
The weeks are passing one by one, until the new decade, the 2020's arrive! Are you letting things slide at this time of year, promising to pick up again when the New Year arrives? I know, you're so busy! So much to do, so many places to be, so many people to see....
Marie Kondo, the organizing consultant, the magician of tidying up, has been an inspiration to me. She helps people see what is really important in their lives and shows them how to tidy up in order to enjoy those things. She is an inspiration because her way is...